Sadly, since the previous challenge, we have said 'farewell' to two of our teamies.... Bonnie and Gail. Bonnie has been with us since Twist of Faith started, and Gail a shorter time, but they were both awesome teamies!
We will miss their creations in our weekly showcase, but we will be happy to visit them at their own blogs, and will be thrilled if they join in our challenges as participants!
People move on for different reasons, and we are pleased that Bonnie and Gail are moving on for happy reasons.... and will still be crafting like crazy! We wish you both, daily blessings, and the best of everything... always!
Our Team will be welcoming new members, so I hope that you will welcome them too!
(and there is still plenty of time to join us in this week's challenge.... scroll down to the previous post for all the details!)

Welcome to Twist of Faith Card Challenges... where we invite you to share your uplifting, healing, inspirational and scriptural card creations. As this is a 100% family friendly blog, we will not display saucy, risque or questionable images/text. Please do not be offended if we remove any such content that may be posted here.
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:25 NIV)
Thank you Pauline for the nice farewell - I will see you around blog land - enjoy your ride on the team all the newbies and of course the former DT people as well! God Bless you all!